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Introducing Lightspeed Live Stream: Live and Live Linear OTT Encoding, Telestream Style

Live streaming is growing. We see more and more audiences consuming their live content on wider array of devices or online video platforms. The ability to deliver that content with low-latency, at scale and in screen-ready form is a challenge many older encoders are not up to. That’s why I’d like to introduce you to Telestream’s newest product, and one of the most powerful live encoding systems on the market: Lightspeed Live Stream.

Pound for pound, Lightspeed Live Stream was built to deliver live or live linear OTT content while providing complete control over the quality, scalability and in-stream content across multiple simultaneous channels and output destinations.

We set out to build an encoder with an incredible combination of performance, flexibility and durability. That’s why we built in redundancies from the power-supply to automated failover safeguards. We also knew it would need complete automation and programmatic control, so users could easily schedule broadcasts, replace content, remove or insert ads, deploy new channels, and encode and deliver screen-ready, DRM-compliant packages for any device to multiple CDNs.

For a wide variety of publishing options, we included local MP4 recording, HLS and DASH packaging, local hosting and origin services, and tight integration with external providers like Unified Streaming for extended capability and delivery options. We also added rigorous performance monitoring tools and comprehensive API calls for remote management.

At the same time, we didn’t want to leave out new media destinations and social media publishing for expanded audience reach or marketing uses. So we made it easy to quickly publish to Facebook, YouTube or other RTMP destinations.

You can find a full feature breakdown list on our website, or watch our latest webinar, “Ingredients for Automated Live Linear Streaming.”

However, in addition to being a very capable and densely featured live encoder, we also designed Lightspeed Live to be a perfect bridge (if you need one) between your live and post-live workflows. So we included a robust and versatile capture system, through our Lightspeed Live Capture product, which can be loaded onto the same system.

From quickly capturing baseband HD or SD, 4K, HDR, or IP signals and recording MP4s, to using Lightspeed Live Capture to record growing mezzanine files into smart, open workflows, it will work in concert with your file-based watch folders and media storage systems.

While Vantage is not required by any means, Lightspeed Live Capture will seamlessly integrate with existing Vantage platforms for even tighter open workflow processing. Vantage Post-Producer can automatically assemble the correct bumpers, ads and branding for your IPTV VOD or digital syndication windows. Timed Text Flip can prepare or embed captions, and Vantage Transcode and Multi-Screen can significantly lower your VOD replay and streaming footprints. This makes it possible to target viewing windows with the correct, optimized content more efficiently with shorter turnaround time and a better quality of service at lower cost.

So you can see, we didn’t make Lightspeed Live for just one type of customer.

We made it for cable, satellite and telecommunication companies. We made it for multiple system operators, both regional and national. We made it for traditional broadcasters and networks as well as for “digital-first” and “digital only” new media organizations who never distribute their content on terrestrial broadcast networks.

Regardless of how you use it or where you use it, or what viewing windows are the most important to your audience or your business, Lightspeed Live is ready to handle your workflow.

You’re going be hearing a lot more about Lightspeed Live Stream and Capture in the coming months. And there’s definitely a lot more to talk about.

But if you can’t wait, and you want to learn more about it right now, there are few excellent resources you should know about:

First, I recommend signing up for the live webinar I mentioned above, “Ingredients for Automated Live Linear Streaming” where we dive in deep on the unique features and capabilities of the encoding system.

Next, you may also be interested in our higher-level webinar, “Unlocking Revenue and Savings Opportunities in Your Live Streaming Ecosystem,” where we will discuss the different ways you can effectively monetize your live content, and common monetization models.

If you want to talk to someone in person, we are always thrilled to answer questions about our products directly. You can talk directly to one of our sales team by contacting them here:

Finally, there is always plenty of information available on our website,

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