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Webinars and Webcasts in The Era of COVID

The landscape of streaming video content has significantly shifted in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn how the market has changed and how your business can take advantage of these shifts.

Watch the webinar below – learn how streaming video has changed in the wake of the global health crisis, and how you can prepare your business for what comes next.

In years past, streaming video content, whether it was live or on-demand, was not commonly prioritized by most companies. Webinars and webcasts served a useful marketing function to generate leads, but they were never considered to be necessary.

Then, in March of 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic really started to ramp up, video entered the spotlight and became many businesses’ default method of communicating with internal and external audiences. Companies that adopted livestreaming and on-demand video were able to build and maintain connections with their customers, partners, and employees, and those that lagged have a lot of catching up to do.

But as the focus shifted towards video, many solutions have entered the market aimed to give first-timers the resources they need to pull off truly engaging and memorable virtual events. This can include features in platform software such as a built-in editing tool and interactive plugins, or it can come down to professional services bundles that assist with planning, producing, and directing a live event.

Join Mark Strathdee, founder & CEO for Sherpa Digital Media, and Andrew Andriopulos, senior vice president of sales for Sherpa Digital Media, as they discuss how video streaming technology and corporate behaviors changed as the COVID pandemic took hold, and what to look forward to as we enter 2021.

In this webinar, we covered:

  • How streaming video and virtual events have changed in 2020
  • Our predictions for 2021 and how you can prepare your business
  • What to look for in an all-in-one webinar/webcast/virtual events platform

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here.

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