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Tutorial: How to Create a Video Trailer by Matthieu Blanco

Matthieu Blanco

We are lucky to have a community of ScreenFlow users who love our product and like to share their tips and expertise. We count French podcaster and screencaster Matthieu Blanco as one of our most loyal and valued ScreenFlow friends- and he’s got some mad ScreenFlow skills that we can all learn from!

Matthieu is the community manager at, he also produces a popular French podcast  called “La Revue Tech” (“Tech Review“) (which gets more than 40,000 views per episode), and he blogs about podcasting and screencasting.

Matthieu creates very complex and professional videos using ScreenFlow and a just a few other tools. You can see by one of his recent projects how complex his edits can be in ScreenFlow.

Check out the in-depth tutorial he created about how he constructed a recent promotional trailer for a company called Arengi. The video is 31 minutes long, but I learned some fantastic techniques and tricks. I think you will too.

Merci Matthieu! You can connect with Matthieu on facebook or twitter.

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