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Alan Repech

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QC Workflows Must Follow As Format and Distribution Methods Evolve

Mar 9, 2022 7:54:28 AM / by Alan Repech


In this new technology-driven era where consumers can access and enjoy media on a vast array of platforms, file-based quality control (QC) is critical to maintaining the best possible image and audio output. From a viewer standpoint, bad quality represents another reason to watch something else. From a business standpoint, bad quality can mean content gets rejected for not meeting published standards. To complicate matters further, distribution formats continue to evolve along with the quality standards to support them. QC workflows certainly have come a long way since the days when “golden eye” expert reviewers would sit all day watching content on a color calibrated grade one broadcast studio monitor obsessing over quality.

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Telestream Cloud and Skyline Communications

Dec 17, 2020 10:24:00 PM / by Alan Repech


Automating your entire media eco-system can get a bit tricky. We have partnered with Skyline Communications to introduce a simple way to achieve your automation goals by using end-to-end service quality management and best-in-class monitoring probes in the cloud.

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5 Ways Wirecast Makes Education Streaming Better

Jul 21, 2020 5:26:00 AM / by Alan Repech

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To learn more about Telestream desktop products, click here.

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Creating Intros and Outros for your Videos with ScreenFlow

Feb 21, 2018 8:02:43 AM / by Alan Repech posted in Edit


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Tech Tools for Teachers

May 24, 2017 8:41:37 AM / by Alan Repech


Last week we had the opportunity to sit down with Tony Vincent, an educator, speaker and Ed Tech enthusiast, about some of the powerful tools available to teachers for use in the classroom and at home. Tony showed us some tools we had never seen before and we wanted to share a couple of them with you. Of course we love ScreenFlow and Wirecast, but there are some tools that, when combined with the power of Telestream products, can really take your classrooms to the next level.

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Curve Types in ScreenFlow

Apr 27, 2017 2:06:38 AM / by Alan Repech posted in Edit


Can you see the difference between these two gifs?




One likely feels a bit smoother, maybe even a bit…better? But why? What is that subtle difference?

Welcome to the wonderful world of curve types.

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Overview of the Interoperable Master Format (IMF)

Feb 12, 2016 7:55:49 AM / by Alan Repech posted in Corporate


Interoperable Master Format (IMF) is a SMPTE standard for providing a single, interchangeable master file format and structure for the distribution of content between businesses around the world. IMF provides a framework for creating a true file-based final master.

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If 4K is Good, and 8K is Better, is 16K Best?

Nov 3, 2015 1:55:17 AM / by Alan Repech posted in Corporate


Another great contribution from our very own Paul Turner!


One thing we know to be constant in our industry is that there is always going to be change. We’ve moved from black and white to color to digital to HD, in the constant desire to bring higher and higher fidelity images to the home. Now we’re hearing about 4K/UHDTV (these are not quite the same, but we’ve had that discussion) and beyond – the Japanese broadcasters – and specifically NHK – have announced that they intend to broad cast the 2020 Olympics in 8K resolution.

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What on Earth is “Drop Frame Timecode?”

Sep 1, 2015 2:37:54 AM / by Alan Repech


Another great contribution from our very own Paul Turner!

It All Has to do With the History of NTSC

The idea of timecode has been around since the very earliest days of TV, and has its origins in the idea of keycode in film negatives. The idea is simply to uniquely identify any individual frame in a piece of media. A simple frame count would do this, but few people could envision where, in time, frame 213,452 is. So timecode uses the idea of a frame identifier being designated in HH:MM:SS:FF, frame 213,452 translates to 01:58:35:02 (at 30 frames per second).

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ScreenFlow Beginner Webinars

Aug 18, 2015 3:04:05 AM / by Alan Repech


Learning a new app can be difficult, but we’ve made it much easier.

Starting fresh with new software is intimidating and often quite frustrating.  While we try to make Screenflow as intuitive as possible, some things are just better when presented in an easy to follow, thorough manner.  Between our Product Specialist Andrew Haley, and Product Evangelist Lucas Bischofberger, our 3-part beginner webinar series does just that.  Follow along as we open up ScreenFlow for the first time, all the way to batch exporting with different datarates and output destinations.

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