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Why is there a need for video delivery intelligence?

Are you losing live viewers to poor viewing experiences? Find out how video delivery intelligence can help.

Have you ever watched a live video that buffered?

Pretty much anyone who has watched live video online has experienced some viewing quality issues — buffering, artifacting, for example. And if you’re in charge of delivering that video content, how do you know if your viewers are having problems watching it? and where in the delivery chain did something break down? That’s where video delivery intelligence comes in.

Delivering live video is complicated – many different things can go wrong at any point in the delivery process. Constantly varying loads on the network, changing architectures and evolving protocols create instability that can result in poor viewing experience. If your content can’t be viewed or is displaying poorly, this can affect your brand as well as your revenue.

Because of this, many professionals rely n the use of delivery intelligence to ensure the best quality content to their viewers. Delivery intelligence tools such as IneoQuest and Conviva, are the best ways to get an accurate picture of your viewers’ quality of experience.

Video intelligence allows broadcasters to isolate where things are going wrong in real-time, to pinpoint where and why things are going wrong.

Want to learn more? Watch our webinar on-demand now: End-to-End Video Analytics to Improve Streaming Quality of Experience


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